Other EU trans-national funding opportunities
The UK is no longer an eligible partner country – though it may still be able to participate in some of these programmes as a “third country” – but this is likely to mean UK partners are less attractive than they have been in the past.
This programme offers a range of schemes supporting Competitiveness & SMEs – these include:
Better access to finance for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs):
- The Loan Guarantee Facility
- The Equity Facility for Growth
Access to markets:
- Access to the services of the Enterprise Europe Network
- IPR SME Helpdesks for China, ASEAN & Mercosur, EU-Japan Centre
Support for entrepreneurs – includes European Network of Mentors for Women Entrepreneurs and Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs
More information can be found via your local Enterprise Europe Contact Point – the following website provides a list of these: http://een.ec.europa.eu/about/branches
Life +
There are two strands, as follows:
Climate Action:
- Mitigation: support for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
- Adaptation: support to efforts leading to increased resilience to climate change
- Governance and awareness
- LIFE Biodiversity: to develop and share best practices; to maintain and restore ecosystems
- LIFE Environment: implementation of EU policy
- LIFE Governance: creation of platforms for the exchange of good practices, support for environmental NGOs, etc.
This programme offers limited opportunities for the arts & culture sector.
Most funds are devolved to the contact points in each member state for allocation to projects:
National Contact Points: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/life/contact/nationalcontact/index.htm